If you’re looking for a delicious, keto-friendly and low-carb pumpkin spiced treat, then try these Keto Pecan Pumpkin Muffins With MCT Cream Cheese Glaze! Only 4 net carbs per serving! Get the recipe!...
If you've ever visited the Baja Peninsula in Mexico, chances are you were served a rendition of these satisfyingly delicious Authentic Baja Style Fish...
My favorite places to travel are those that have history you can see and feel. Where the architecture and the beauty of these places seem like they sh...
Not sure what to get Dad for Father's Day? For something different, we'll show you how to make thoughtful, DIY gift baskets that he will absolutely love....
Heather is a founding editor and contributing writer for Better Living. She loves creating recipes, sharing healthy living hacks, travelling, and researching the latest in wellness trends. On the weekends you’ll find her reading, doing yoga, and planning her next adventure.