Delicious pumpkin pecan muffins topped with cream cheese glaze. The perfect fall treat with warm spices and crunchy nuts. Get the easy, step-by-step recipe!...
Sometimes I get the craving for a pecan pie, but I'm not always up for making a pie crust. This simple recipe for Maple Pecan Pie Bars (No Corn Syrup!...
If you want to improve your health and well-being, one of the best things you can do is to eat more probiotic foods and drinks. Probiotic foods and dr...
No matter where you look this time of year, pumpkins are everywhere. And, that's a good thing! Each fall season, DIYers are getting more and more creative with ...
Heather is a founding editor and contributing writer for Better Living. She loves creating recipes, sharing healthy living hacks, travelling, and researching the latest in wellness trends. On the weekends you’ll find her reading, doing yoga, and planning her next adventure.