For those times when you really need a chocolate fix, but you're not loving the idea of making a whole cake, try this recipe for Dark Chocolate Chili Mug Cakes!...
If you want to live a vibrant and healthy life, more and more research is discovering that focusing on your gut health is key. To get started, we've o...
If you've been following our travels, you read about our recent Nemacolin review and know we fell head over heels for this mountain retreat last spring....
Open just a year, with 212 modern rooms and part of Marriott's Autograph Collection, Merriweather Lakehouse Hotel is a stunning lakeside retreat tucked in seven wooded acres where you can ...
Heather is a founding editor and contributing writer for Better Living. She loves creating recipes, sharing healthy living hacks, travelling, and researching the latest in wellness trends. On the weekends you’ll find her reading, doing yoga, and planning her next adventure.