sleeping with a Leesa Mattress

Looking for a Great Night’s Sleep? Try the Leesa Mattress

Sleeping soundly does wonders for our health. It reduces stress, high blood pressure and our chances of developing diabetes. It also improves our memories, regulates our weight gaining hormones and supports our immune system.  It’s a fact that if you sleep well, you’ll be in a better mood and you’ll look great too.

So, are you sleeping soundly?  Are you waking up energized ready to take on the world?  If not, it’s probably time you take a sleep inventory.   Do you have a consistent sleep schedule allowing for 7 to 9 hours of rest? Do you limit exposure to electronics prior to bed time?  Is your bedroom dark and quiet? And, most important of all, is your bed comfortable?

If you answered no to the last question, a new mattress is most likely your ticket to supreme slumber.

After a recent move, my once expensive and comfortable pillow top mattress became extremely lumpy, uneven and sagged badly in the middle.  I couldn’t believe how misshapen it had become and I really wasn’t sleeping well at all. I was waking up groggy with muscle pain.  I desperately needed a new mattress and fast.

After doing some research online, I discovered I saw they offered a sleek, luxury memory foam style mattress for under $1000, shipped to me for free, that I could try it out in my own home for 100 days. No strings attached with a full refund if I’m not 100% happy. At this point nothing could sound better.  No pushy sales people or tedious comparison shopping? Sign me up!

It took less than 5 minutes to order the king mattress and my Leesa was delivered right to my door in just a few days. Once I brought the box inside, it was hard to believe that a standard king mattress was actually in there.


But, when I opened it up, there it was, rolled up like a burrito!  I carefully took off the plastic, rolled it out, and the mattress instantly started expanding into the size of a standard king.  After about one hour, it rose to a full 10 inches high and fit my bed frame perfectly.

Excited to try my new Leesa, I dove on top and thought “Wow! This this thing is comfy!” My body felt fully supported and the mattress wasn’t too firm or too soft. The Leesa was just right. When I awoke the next morning, I realized I had slept soundly the entire night.  I felt refreshed and energized. I don’t think I moved at all. Not even once.  And, for the first time in a long time, my back felt great.  I also noticed the mattress did not overheat and remained a comfortable temperature throughout the night.

The magic inside the Leesa is its three different layers of high density foam.  Each of the three layers plays an important role in delivering a great night’s sleep. The top layer features 2 inches of a specialty foam called  Avena™, which is hole punched and contoured to allow consistent airflow for a cooler night’s sleep. The Avena’s bounce properties are just enough to offer a medium/firm feel and freedom of movement. While the 2 bottom layers provide additional comfort, contouring pressure relief, and core support.


It’s now been a few weeks and I am still in love with my Leesa.  I’m  just sorry I didn’t get it sooner.  I was truly missing out on some life changing sleep.  Not only is this mattress superb, it’s almost too beautiful to cover with sheets.

With such a wonderful, high quality product and delightful shopping experience, Leesa is a company I am happy to stand behind. The Leesa mattress is 100% American made and for every 10 sold, they donate 1 to a homeless shelter. Now, how great is that?

So if you’re not sleeping well, go to and cure yourself with a new mattress.  The experience is stress free. The product is risk free. The only thing you have to lose is a great night’s sleep.



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  1. Well… sleeping does a great deal for your health, your mood, your skin, your energy, your memory, and your waistline. Before changing my bed I would also make sure not to eat within 3 hours of laying down and avoid drinking water late at night. I also heard that by taking magnesium isotonically before you go to bed each night you’ll allow your body to relax and drift off into a sleepy mode (lack of magnesium can lead to cravings and muscle cramps).
    This bed is great too… I bet it will improve one’s sleep. Who would want to leave such a comfortable bed and go to work? 😉

  2. Thanks for this post! Very interesting.

    Are you still sleeping on the Leesa? Enjoying as much as you were initially?

    Did you check into any of the other online mattresses out there?

    I am doing research right now trying to decide what’s right for me…torn between the Leesa and a few others. I did come across this review Which has got some great stuff in it (might be helpful to anyone else in my situation)

    Would love to hear your thoughts and thanks very much for your help!


    1. Still sleeping on the Leesa and loving every minute Jordie!!! I also have another family member with a Leesa mattress and she is beyond thrilled with it. She told me she felt like she never really knew what a great sleep was like until she slept on a Leesa mattress. She treasures it! I completely 100% agree. Its still as comfy as the first day it arrived. Also, with their awesome 90, wait no I’m wrong, 100 day guarantee you have nothing to lose. Really, nothing. Its basically like a trial. You don’t like it, they refund you and they take it away. You move on. They pride themselves in making the mattress buying experience as stress free as possible.

      I think its also important to note that whatever your mattress will be resting on, will ultimately affect the overall feel of your mattress no matter which one you decide to buy. For instance, my Leesa mattress is resting on a platform bed with wooden slats. I’ve also tried the Leesa on a box spring and on the floor when it first arrived. The Leesa took on the most firmness on the floor. I think this would also be comparable to a platform bed with a solid base. The box spring setup would be slightly less firm than the floor and then the platform with wooden slats being least firm. This will hold true for any other mattress brands as well. The Leesa mattress is definitely amazing, but investing in a good solid base for mattress support is important as well.

  3. Thanks for sharing your opinion on the mattress. Have you tried any of the other newer online mattresses to see how it compares? I assume you are still sleeping on the Leesa? Thanks again!

    1. You’re very welcome Joe! And yes still sleeping on the Leesa and it still feels just as great as the first day I got it. I haven’t had a chance to try any of the newer mattresses so far, but will update if I do.

  4. I feel memory foam mattresses in the lower price range cool really miserably. And the higher price is a bit out on my range. Could you advise of what can be a possible alternative? To be fair, the mattress is now five years old, and it did see some rough use when we made it into a space for our son to play indoors when we had a smaller house. Are spring mattresses a good idea? I’ve heard some pretty bad things about them, but I guess with a top layer of memory foam (it comes out cheaper over here) it should work ok.

  5. Thanks for sharing such good post. It’s really hard to find proper info about mattresses. You really cleared up a lot of things for me. If you have a recommendation for pillows, I’d be willing to listen to that as well.

  6. Hi, It is very good !! I bought it and used in a year.
    Thanks for sharing your opinion on the mattress.
    Thanks again!

  7. Looks like one one of the best mattress to under $1000, Do you have mind sharing more such mattress, that would in the same budget?

  8. wow! an amazing type of article as well as very informative. i read some comments people said that recommended us some pillows so here i would recommended you to se my website that prove you best and comfortable pillows

  9. Good sleep makes you healthy. It reduces stress, high blood pressure and our chances of developing diabetes & good sleep can only be attained by good mattress.

  10. Good sleep makes you healthy. It reduces stress, high blood pressure and our chances of developing diabetes & good sleep can only be attained by good mattress.

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