Venice Italy at Sunset

12 Breathtaking Photos of Sunsets Over Italy

With ancient ruins, 51 UNESCO heritage sites, and a rich culture Italy is a truly extraordinary destination. Beautiful by day it looks even more spectacular as the sun goes down. Enjoy these breathtaking sunsets from some of Italy’s most picturesque locations!


1. Sunset at the Colosseum in Rome, ItalyThe Colosseum in Rome Italy at sunset


2. Sunset in Matera, Italy

Sunset over Matera Italy

3. Sunset in Florence, Italy

Sunsets in Florence Italy

4. Sunset at Duomo di Milano Cathedral – Milan, ItalySunset at Duomo di Milano Cathedral in Milan, Italy


5. The Venice Skyline at SunsetThe Venice Skyline at Sunset


6. Sunset at Licosa Island, ItalySunset at Licosa Island Italy


7. Sunset in Naples, ItalySunset over Naples, Italy


8. Sunset in Tuscany, ItalySunset over the hills of Tuscany, Italy


9. Sunset in Venice, ItalyGondolas in the Grand Canal at sunset in Venice, Italy


10. Sunset in Rome, ItalySt Peters Cathedral sunset in Rome Italy


11. Florence, Arno River and Ponte Vecchio, Italy at Sunset

Florence, Arno River and Ponte Vecchio Italy at sunset

12. Gondolas in the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy at SunsetGondolas and Boats in the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy at Sunset


<< Have you ever traveled to Italy? Let us know in the comments where you’ve been in Italy and what your favorite place or view was! ✈

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