This superfood recipe for Strawberry Pecan Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette is the perfect way to enjoy everyone’s favorite heart-shaped berries throughout the springtime when they...
Are you a nature lover looking for a quick escape from busy Washington D.C.? Then you'll be happy to learn the nation's capital is closely surrounded by stunn...
Traditionally made with lemon juice, water or tea, whiskey, honey spices like cinnamon, and sweetened with honey, Hot Toddy’s are a delicious classic ...
Philadelphia is a vibrant city with plenty of culture, history, and entertainment. But sometimes, you might want to escape the urban hustle and bustle...
Heather is a founding editor and contributing writer for Better Living. She loves creating recipes, sharing healthy living hacks, travelling, and researching the latest in wellness trends. On the weekends you’ll find her reading, doing yoga, and planning her next adventure.